Remember Subway Jared? He Says He “Royally Screwed Up”

It Started as a Weight Loss Journey

Back in 1998, when Jared Fogle was a student at Indiana University, he weighed 425 pounds. He was 20 years old and couldn’t even walk across campus. It was around then that Fogle started eating Subway daily. He started by eating two Subway sandwiches every day and started exercising.

A photo of Fogle during college.

Source: Pinterest

Lunch for Fogle was a 6-inch turkey sub, a bag of baked chips and a can of Diet Coke. For dinner, he ate a foot-long veggie sub and another Diet Coke. Why Subway? Well, it was basically a matter of convenience. “I lived 10 steps away from a Subway restaurant,” he told Men’s Health.

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