Couple Wins the Lottery, Only to See It All Fade Away

Couple Wins the Lottery, Only to See It All Fade Away

Isn’t the lottery a great idea? The chance to win millions after doing something as easy as buying a ticket or scratching a card is too good to be true. Well, sometimes lottery winners know a thing or two about managing money. Then are those unfortunate winners (the lottery curse) who either become victims of theft or jealousy or just all the money.

The couple on their wedding day at a church.

Source: Tumblr

This couple happens to be on the unlucky side, which is only ironic considering they were extremely lucky when they won the money in the first place! Anyway, this is the story of Roger and Lara Griffiths, who won the lottery back in 2005. By 2008, they were broke. By 2013 they were divorced.

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