From Daycare to Prison: The Kellers Never Had a Chance

From Daycare to Prison: The Kellers Never Had a Chance

Gone are the days of “Satanic Panic.” And let’s be thankful for that, because back in the 1980s and early ‘90s, when a panic swept the nation over satanic rituals and abuse (mostly towards children), there were witch trials, only they were held in a court instead of a burn pit in Salem. Those burned at the court’s stake? Well, most of them were actually innocent folk who were seen as evil and powerless to the powers of Satan.

Satanism Documentary / Fran Keller, Dan Keller / Ritual / Dan Keller, Fran Keller.

Source: Getty Images

Dan and Fran Keller were a couple who owned a day care and found themselves accused of the worst and most bizarre things. The result? 21 years behind bars for – get this – crimes they never even committed.

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